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Wednesday, 27 January 2021
Cheshire East marks Holocaust Memorial Day with online service
Holocaust Memorial Day takes place on Wednesday – a day which marks the anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration and death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau and genocides worldwide.
This year’s Cheshire East Council commemorative event will be held online and will include a reading and poem from council leader Councillor Sam Corcoran and a reading of a survivor’s testimony from the Rwandan genocide by deputy leader Councillor Craig Browne.
There will be further contributions from the council’s executive director of corporate services, Jane Burns and from Judith Hayman from the Northern Holocaust Education Trust. Judith is also a second generation Holocaust survivor. The service will be led by Cheshire East mayor, Councillor Barry Burkhill.
Holocaust Memorial Day has taken place on the same date since it was introduced in 2001. January 27 was the chosen date as Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated by Soviet troops in 1945. The day is also for remembering the many other attempted genocides across the world that have happened since.
The Holocaust resulted in the annihilation of an estimated six million Jews, two million Gypsies, 15,000 homosexual people and millions of others by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.
Since 1945, there have been several other attempted genocides across the world – including Rwanda, Cambodia and Bosnia – and these are also commemorated on Holocaust Memorial Day. This is the ninth consecutive year the council has held an annual Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration service.
Cllr Corcoran said: “The importance of remembering the millions of lives lost in genocides worldwide on Holocaust Memorial Day is as vital this year as it is any other. A global pandemic will not stop us from commemorating this very special and poignant occasion.”
Cllr Browne said: “It is staggering to think about the atrocities that mankind has committed on people. Reflecting on these inhumane acts serves as a further reminder that we must try to create a tolerant society where we all treat each other with respect and kindness.”
The council’s virtual service will be on Wednesday from 11am–12pm This year’s online event will be held on Microsoft Teams.
You can also watch the national Holocaust Memorial Day virtual ceremony on Wednesday at 7pm, details of which can be found here.
At 8pm on Wednesday, people are invited to unite with the nation in ‘lighting the darkness’, joining households from across the UK to light candles and safely display them in their windows to remember the victims, why their lives were taken and to stand against prejudice and hatred today.
Tuesday, 26 January 2021
Design A Croods 2 Inspired Treehouse and Win It For Your Local Community
Design A Croods 2 Inspired Treehouse and Win It For Your Local Community
Dear Jan
We are delighted to announce our exciting new partnership with Universal Studios and the Co-op in the launch of The Croods 2: A New Age in the UK. The film (also known as The Croods 2) is a computer-animated adventure comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Universal Pictures.
The film centres around values of community, neighbourliness, inclusivity, and working together. These are values that are close to the heart of all Neighbourhood Watch supporters, and as part of our initiative to reach more young families and to add to the positive and approachable perceptions of Neighbourhood Watch, the opportunity presented by this partnership was too good to pass up!
The Croods and The Bettermans are thrown together, two very different families who have to learn to live with one another when an evil tribe of monkeys threaten their homes. Once safe from this threat, the Croods and the Bettermans realise that home is not a place, it’s people, and together they create history’s first neighbourhood!
Neighbourhood Watch’s partnership with the film provides the opportunity to reach young families and to promote the importance of neighbourliness and community spirit to new audiences and across diverse communities. We know many young people and their families believe in the values which we stand for and this partnership gives them the introduction to becoming Neighbourhood Watch supporters for life.
WIN! Design a Croods 2 inspired treehouse and win it for your local community
In partnership with ‘The Croods 2: A New Age’ and Co-op, we want children up to the age of 16 to design their very own Croods 2 inspired treehouse for their local community. What’s more, the winning entry will be brought to life and built within a nearby Wildlife Trust location to be enjoyed by the public for years to come!
What do you need to do to enter?
- Head over to Co-op Insurance website to download the treehouse template and top tips for entering
- Design a Croods 2 inspired treehouse for your local community – it can be as wacky as you want, let your imagination run wild!
- You can draw, paint, use computer software or even cave drawings to create your design, but above all be sure to think about how this could be used by the community and bring a lot of fun.
- Share the design on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #Croods2Treehouse and tag Co-op (@coopukinsurance on Facebook and Twitter) and Neighbourhood Watch Network (Facebook: @ourwatch; Twitter: @N_Watch and Instagram: to enter.
- The competition closes on 22nd February and the winner will be contacted within 5 days via social media. The treehouse will be built by 26th March, just in time for the film’s release and Easter holidays!
- See the attached flyer, or click here, for more details.
How to support the campaign
We rely on the amazing Neighbourhood Watch volunteers and supporters to spread the messages of Neighbourhood Watch and to provide the first step for all people to connect with their neighbours for mutual support, a key strategic goal. We hope that you will promote this campaign within your community and use it to reach more families within your area.
We have secured some amazing prizes to be won over the course of the partnership. See the attached a fun activity pack (or view it on our website here) to keep children entertained whilst they are home schooling. Please feel free to share this with families in your area. If you cannot print at home and would like an activity pack and competition entry template posted directly to your door along with a treehouse template to enter the competition please email
To support this campaign, you can:
- SHARE: Follow us on social media to share our posts on the partnership and competitions
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Instagram:
- INFORM: Share this email and the attached flyer and activity pack with your community. This could be via email, WhatsApp or in your local newsletter
- WATCH: Go and see the film (COVID-19 restrictions dependant) when it comes out on the 26th March!
Neighbourhood Watch and Croods 2 special edition logo
The Neighbourhood Watch brand and iconic yellow roundel is undeniably widely recognised across the UK. To celebrate this partnership, we have created a unique and playful adaptation of our logo featuring The Croods and The Bettermans to be used on all material supporting the partnership. We will be using the fresh and fun adapted logo on all our social media channels, within our website and on all materials created for this partnership.
We hope you are as excited as we are by this unique partnership and the opportunity it presents for Neighbourhood Watch to engage young people. If you would like more information visit or email
Central Support Team
Follow us..
Thursday, 21 January 2021
What Goes on Behind Closed Doors Doesnt Have To Stay There - This Email Has Been Sent To Anyone Within the Selected Postcode Radius
What Goes on Behind Closed Doors Doesnt Have To Stay There - This Email Has Been Sent To Anyone Within the Selected Postcode Radius
Good morning,
I am messaging this morning to share information on how to access support if you or a loved one is experiencing Domestic Abuse. This message has been sent out to via a postcode radius so will go out to anyone who receives local news in this area.
(Step by step on how to delete this message if you need to is at the bottom of this email.)
What is Domestic Abuse?
Domestic abuse is categorised by any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. This can encompass but is not limited to the following types of abuse:
This definition includes honour-based abuse and forced marriage, and is clear that victims are not confined to one gender or ethnic group.
The frequency and severity of domestic violence can vary dramatically, just one encounter counts as abuse, and it can be an ongoing pattern of behaviour. However, the one constant element of domestic abuse is the abuser's consistent efforts to maintain power and control over the victim.
Domestic abuse can affect anyone regardless of ethnicity, age, gender, sexuality or social background. If you are suffering from physical, sexual, psychological or financial abuse, or are being threatened, intimidated or stalked by a current or previous partner or close family member, it’s likely you’re a victim of domestic abuse.
You may be feeling frightened, isolated, ashamed or confused. If you have children it may be that they too are suffering, whether they witness abuse or not.
Remember, you are not to blame for what is happening. You are not alone, and above all you do not have to suffer in silence – help is available to report domestic abuse.
Controlling behaviour
Controlling behaviour is a range of acts performed by the abuser and designed to make their victim subordinate and/or dependent. These acts include but are not limited to:
•isolating the victim from sources of support
•exploiting the victim's resources and capacities for personal gain
•depriving the victim of the means needed for independence, resistance and escape
•regulating the victim's everyday behaviour
Coercive behaviour
Coercive behaviour is an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used by the abuser to harm, punish, or frighten their victim.
Physical abuse and sexual abuse
Physical abuse is the use of physical force against someone in a way that injures or endangers that person. The police have the power and authority to protect you from physical attack.
Sexual abuse is a form of physical abuse. Forced sex, even by a spouse or intimate partner with whom you also have consensual sex, is an act of aggression and violence.
Emotional or psychological abuse
Just because you’re not battered and bruised doesn’t mean you’re not being abused. Unfortunately, emotional abuse is often minimised or overlooked—even by the person being abused.
Emotional abuse includes verbal abuse such as yelling, name-calling, blaming, and shaming. Isolation, intimidation, and controlling behaviour also fall under emotional abuse.
Honour-based abuse
There's no honour in threatening or harming vulnerable people with violence. However, a small minority of both women and men experience violence and threats at the hands of their family or community in order to protect their perceived ‘honour’. (Family members are defined as mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister and grandparents, whether directly related, in-laws or step-family.)
There's nothing religious or cultural about this violence. It's a crime and we'll take seriously any information received from any source relating to this subject.
If you're in fear of such violence or believe another may be suffering, do not underestimate the seriousness of the situation. Honour-based violence takes lives.
By attending a police station or calling 101 you'll be able to speak to an officer who can help.
The warning signs of honour-based abuse are:
•forms of communication being severed between victim and friends
•withdrawal from education or workplace
•criticism of victim for ‘Western’ adoption of clothing or make-up
•restrictions in leaving the house or chaperoning outside the home
•onset of depression or suicidal tendencies in an otherwise happy person
Forced marriage
We're committed to eradicating the practice of forced marriage. This is not to be confused with an arranged marriage, where parties involved have the choice to accept the arrangement or not. Forced marriage is when one party is threatened or bullied into making such a marriage.
A family member might threaten suicide if the young person does not consent and in some cases the ‘bride’ or ‘groom’ take their own life rather than bring this perceived shame on the family by not entering such an agreement.
Forced marriage is an offence. We can offer victims a civil or criminal route to protect them from harm.
If you're worried you might be forced into marriage or are worried for another, you're not alone. Please contact either the Forced Marriage Unit on 020 7008 0151 for advice or call 101.
You can also contact these support agencies:
Karma Nirvana
Confidential helpline providing emotional and practical support and advice for victims and survivors (male and female) of forced marriage and/or honour-based violence.
FORWARD (Foundation for Women's Health Research and Development)
Tackles female genital mutilation (FGM), child marriage and related rights of girls and young women. Includes a helpline.
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Includes a helpline for adults who are concerned about a child.
Helpline for children.
***************** Clear your browser history *****************
It's possible for someone to see the websites you’ve visited by looking through your web browser’s history. Clearing this history, and emptying the cache file of saved information, is quite straightforward.
Internet Explorer
If you’re using Internet Explorer, follow the steps below to clear your history: on the Tools menu (in the row at the top of the browser) Internet Options from the drop down menu; you should now be on a tab that says 'General' – if not, select 'General'; under the title, 'Temporary Internet Files' on 'Delete Files'. You can also check the box that says 'delete all offline content'
4.then, under 'History' click on 'Clear History'
5.then click OK, at the bottom
Google Chrome
If you’re using Chrome, follow the steps below to clear your history: the Chrome app More Settings
3.under 'Advanced' select 'Privacy' and 'Clear browsing data' the top, select the dropdown under 'Clear data from the'
5.choose a time period, such as past hour or past day the types of information you want to remove 'Clear data'
If you’re using Firefox, follow the steps below to clear your history: the menu button, choose 'History', and then 'Clear Recent History' how much history you want to clear: click the drop-down menu next to 'Time Range' to choose how much of your history Firefox will clear
3.finally, click 'Clear Now'
Email abuse
If someone has access to your computer, they may be able to read your incoming and outgoing mail. To ensure your account is secure, always log out after use and choose a password that an abuser won’t be able to guess.
If an abuser sends you threatening or harassing email messages, this can be reported as either domestic abuse or even a hate crime. Please print and save the emails as evidence and get in touch in one of these ways:
•for an immediate response call 999 now. If you're deaf or hard of hearing, use our textphone service 18000 or text us on 999 if you’ve pre-registered with the emergencySMS service.
•police non-emergency number 101
•visit your local police station (search below to find a station)
If you are deaf or have speech impairment you can use a textphone to call us. Dial 18000 in an emergency, or 18001 101 if your call is not an emergency.
This message has been sent out to via a postcode radius so will go out to anyone who receives local news in this area.
Thank you for your time.
We care.
Kind regards,
PCSO Lizzie Jolley 22582
Covid Vaccination Scam
Covid Vaccination Scam
We have all been living with Covid for a considerable amount of time now and following the rollout of vaccinations cross the country, many people are eager to get a vaccination.
Covid vaccinations are free of charge and only available in the UK via the NHS. You should only be contacted by your employer, a local GP surgery, a pharmacy or the NHS.
Anyone asking for payment is trying to scam you.
If you are concerned that you have been a victim of a scam, please report this to Action Fraud –" target="_blank">
Andrea Smith – Police Community Support Officer 20662
Cheshire Constabulary Crewe Local Policing Unit | Civic Centre | Crewe | CW1 2DQ |
Tel: 07989680718 | Email:" target="_blank"> |
Follow @cheshirepolice on Twitter | Like Cheshire Police on Facebook
Message Sent By
Andrea Smith (Police, Community Support Officer, Crewe LPU)
Tuesday, 19 January 2021
Census Day is coming!
Households across Cheshire East will soon be asked to take part in Census 2021.
The census is a once-in-a-decade survey that gives us the most accurate estimate of all the people and households in England and Wales. It has been carried out every decade since 1801, with the exception of 1941.
It will also be the first run predominantly online, with households receiving a letter with a unique access code, allowing them to complete the questionnaire on their computers, phones or tablets.
Census Day will be on Sunday 21 March, but households across the country will receive letters with online codes allowing them to take part from early March.
The census will include questions about your sex, age, work, health, education, household size and ethnicity. And, for the first time, there will be a question asking people whether they have served in the armed forces, as well as voluntary questions for those aged 16 and over on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Iain Bell, deputy national statistician at the Office for National Statistics, said: “A successful census will ensure everyone from local government to charities can put services and funding in the places where they are most needed.
“This could mean things like doctors’ surgeries, schools and new transport routes. That’s why it is so important everyone takes part and we have made it easier for people to do so online on any device, with help and paper questionnaires for those that need them.”
Jane Burns, executive director of corporate services for Cheshire East Council, said: “The census is an extremely important national event. Local councils, including Cheshire East, will be able to learn valuable local information about the people and communities we serve. We will get essential data, which helps us to plan our services for the future.”
The results of the census will be available within 12 months, although personal records will be locked away for 100 years, kept safe for future generations.
For more information, visit or contact the local census engagement manager Mike Cash directly at
January 2021 Enewsletter - Firelink
January 2021 Enewsletter - Firelink
Welcome to the January edition of the Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service e-Newsletter.
2021/2022 Precept Engagement

Cheshire Fire Authority is seeking residents views on its plans to increase its share of council tax (called its precept) for the 2021/2022 financial year.
How are we funded?
The Authority receives the majority of its funding through Council Tax. It also receives grants from central government and some funding through business rates.
The Authority levies its share of council tax on properties across Cheshire. This precept currently stands at £79.29 per year for a Band D property. You may pay more or less than this amount depending on the council tax banding of your own home.
For 2021/2022 we are proposing to increase our precept by 1.99%. This would see our share of council tax increase by £1.58 to £80.87 per year for a Band D property.
Why are we proposing this?
The Authority’s plans up to 2024 are set out in its Integrated Risk Management Plan 2020-2024. This is an ambitious plan that will improve how we provide cover across Cheshire to respond to fires and other emergencies. Within this plan we also detail our plans to modernise many of our premises. This is to ensure our older fire stations across Cheshire can meet modern standards and be fit for the future.
The Authority also has ongoing capital requirements such as replacing fire engines and equipment as necessary. Since 2014, the Authority has received no capital funding from central Government so must meet all of these needs through its own revenue budget.
The forecasts in our Medium Term Financial Plan assumes that going forward we will receive no, or very small, increases in the funding we receive from Government. This will not be sufficient to cover additional costs such as inflation, so we need to bridge the gap ourselves.
The Authority has been fortunate to receive some funding from Government to help with the impact of Covid-19 on our services. This has enabled us to make temporary changes to our operations to keep our staff safe and available to respond to fires and other emergencies; and to provide assistance to the NHS and local partner agencies in the community by delivering thousands of prescriptions, food parcels and other essentials to those in need.
However, we are also affected by the impact of Covid-19 on our partner local authorities; for instance if local authorities collect less council tax or business rates income than they originally expected. The way the Authority is funded means that we are also liable to make up some of this shortfall if less income is received than was originally forecast.
Let us know what you think
Between now and 28 January 2021 we are seeking the views of residents on our proposed increase in our share of council tax. Please let us know what you think by completing a short online survey, which you can access through the link below.
Complete our short online survey
Alternatively, you can provide your views by emailing, telephoning 01606 868700 or in writing to Freepost Cheshire Fire Consultation (no stamp required).
How safe is your home?

Risk assess your home and get personalised fire safety plan.
Complete a short questionnaire to assess fire safety in your home, and get a personalised fire safety plan - with advice on how to prevent fires in your home:
- Complete the questionnaire on our website
- Or download the Risk Rater app via or the App Store or the Google Play Store, and use the app to risk assess your home:

Message Sent By
Ashley Lawton (Cheshire Police / Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service, Administrator, Corporate Communications)
Yellow Weather Warning - Rain - Drive Only For Essential Reasons
Yellow Weather Warning - Rain - Drive Only For Essential Reasons
Good morning,
Crewe Cheshire has been given a Yellow weather warning for rain today.
We have already been made aware of multiple accidents on our main roads and would therefore like to remind you that you should only be doing essential journey's today.
Please stay local unless you need to travel for work or for a valid and legal reason.
If you must drive, drive with care.
Thank you for your time.
Kind regards,
PCSO Lizzie Jolley 22582
Saturday, 16 January 2021
Dog Walkers and Owners
Dog Walkers and Owners
Good afternoon,
Yesterday in Haslington we attended to an address following reports of a suspicious incident which happened to a local dog walker. (This email is relevant to all dog walkers and owners even if you do not live in this location.)
The dog walker was shouted at twice to hand over their dog and to assist the person shouting with pushing their vehicle out of the mud.
The dog walker, feeling uncomfortable with the situation did the sensible thing and walked away and did not hand the person the dog. But we understand that in this situation, it must have been very upsetting and scary for the dog walker.
At this point, we do not know whether this situation was created in order to try to get their dog or whether the vehicle was genuinely stuck, either way, the way in which the situation was handled upset a resident of ours.
We are sending out this alert not to scare anybody, but to ask you to be aware of anything that seems out of the ordinary.
Our dog walkers are often one of our greatest routes of gathering intelligence, due to the amount of time that they spend outside and because of what they see and who they come across on their walks.
You should always call 999 in an emergency or 101 to report anything else. I can also be contacted for anything else on 07989650474 or on Haslington Police Facebook or Twitter Private Messenger, or on email to lizzie.href="" target="_blank">
Thank you for taking the time to read this today.
If you do not own a dog, but know someone who does, please ask them to remain vigilant and that we will be patrolling with this intelligence and incident in mind.
PCSO Lizzie Jolley 22582
Share the love with Tatton Park for Valentine’s Day
You’re cordially invited to #sharethelove
Tatton Park has been the perfect backdrop to many magical moments over the years. Maybe it’s the place where you met your own Mr Darcy on a first date, or where a romantic proposal at Tatton’s mere whisked you off to Wuthering Heights? Maybe love at Tatton Park for you, was like your very own #Bridgeton movie set… with the beautiful 18th Century Mansion or Italian Gardens as a backdrop? We want to know!
Calling all romantics
We want to spread some love and happiness (because we all need it!) during these cold winter months and who doesn’t love a heart-warming story? So, we’re asking all the romantics out there to share their Tatton Park love stories with us.
Social media takeover this Valentine’s Day
We will be doing a social media takeover on Instagram and Facebook on Sunday 14th February 2021, featuring some of your stories. But we need them as soon as possible so they’re ready to share on the big day.
Email your love story by Sunday 7th February, along with a date and image of the occasion at Tatton Park to The best of the bunch will receive a special #sharethelove food hamper containing lots of Valentine goodies from Tatton Park’s Housekeeper’s Store.
Welcoming you safely
Tatton Park’s Parkland, Playground, Stables take-away and Housekeeper’s Store remain covid-safe and open under new national lockdown rules in line with Government guidelines permitting local outdoor exercise, food shops and take-away food. Please check lockdown regulations before travelling and stay local. Head to the website for further details on ticket enquiries*, what to expect if you’re visiting and staying safe on your visit to Tatton Park.
*Cyclists and pedestrians are free to enter the parkland and all vehicles pay £7 vehicle park entry
If you’re staying at home, why not visit us online?
Here’s how you can stay in touch with happenings at Tatton Park:
v – we’re updating our website as much as possible with updates from all corners of the Estate
v e-news – sign up on our website and email receive updates from Tatton Park
v Facebook, Instagram and Twitter – find us @TattonPark
v Candide Gardening App - download onto your phone and search for Tatton Park
Online Surgery
Online Surgery
The next Crewe West online surgery will be on Monday 18/01/21 between 6 & 7pm.
Please message with any concerns or issues via this system or by private message on Facebook or Twitter.
Please use the non-emergency telephone number 101 to report any incidents or concerns. Always use 999 in an emergency.
Follow @cheshirepolice on Twitter | Like Cheshire Police on Facebook
Council sign £4.5 million contract with Airband to roll out full-fibre broadband to residents
Cheshire East is set to receive a much needed connectivity boost from leading broadband provider, Airband.
The project will deliver gigabit-capable, full-fibre broadband connectivity to over 4,000 properties (including local businesses) across rural or hard-to-reach areas within the Connecting Cheshire partnership region, for improved connectivity.
With the support of the remaining European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) backing available to UK authorities, the project will start in early 2021 and is expected to complete deployment by March 2023, which includes Warrington Borough Council, Cheshire West and Chester and Halton Borough Council all taking part.
The implementation of this infrastructure to many underserved, isolated and rural areas will be truly life changing for individuals and business owners. Cost-effective, high-quality, reliable ultrafast connectivity has countless benefits, including better access to services and amenities for individuals, increased productivity and more growth opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs.
The Covid-19 pandemic has made us more reliant than ever on technology, particularly broadband connectivity. With much of the Cheshire East population working from their homes, the importance of a reliable broadband connection has been thrust into the spotlight.
For individuals living in rural and other hard-to-reach areas of the digital divide, the impact of poor connectivity has been felt acutely. Levelling up this divide, and bringing affordable, high-quality internet services to all is a local priority that the council are keen to implement.
Councillor Nick Mannion, Cheshire East Council’s cabinet member for environment and regeneration, said: “The fibre-to-the-premises (FTTP) deal with Airband comes at a key time during the pandemic, to provide optimum connectivity to homeworkers and businesses across Cheshire East.
“The innovative methods to connect hard-to-reach and rural areas will certainly boost work productivity and streaming family entertainment services during national lockdown and beyond. Swifter internet services will help limit many of the frustrations people are facing now, juggling home and work life. It is crucial that everyone has sufficient internet at all hours to suit diverse working patterns and household needs.”
More details of the coverage areas will be published in the coming weeks. In addition, Cheshire East and the Connecting Cheshire partnership are exploring and seeking further solutions for problem connectivity areas that may not be covered by this deployment as part of our plan to provide full connectivity for the borough.
Is Anyone Missing Two Sheep? Farmers - Owners of Livestock
Is Anyone Missing Two Sheep? Farmers - Owners of Livestock
Good evening,
We have reports of two sheep which have been found on a farm in Barthomley over this past week.
If you are missing the two sheep, please get into contact with on 07989650474 or email
We are unaware if these sheep have tags on or not.
One sheep is potentially pregnant and the sheep are currently in a field which keeps on flooding. We have made attempts to get hold of the sheep, but they have not yet been able to be caught. The sheep have grass and water in the field which they are in.
Recruitment - Cheshire Police
Recruitment - Cheshire Police
Good evening,
For many in our community it's been a difficult few months with COVID-19 changing circumstances in work for many people.
We would therefore like to make you aware of our current recruitment which can be found using the link below! There's so many different roles for the different experience and personalities around our communities.
(Having difficulties with the link provided - please visit our Cheshire Police Website - Scroll to the bottom of the page - Press on Careers on the bottom left - This will then take you to a new page with a current vacancies tab - press this and it will take you to a list of jobs.)
Thank you for your time and have a great day!
Kind regards,
PCSO Lizzie Jolley 22582
Dog Owners - Keep Control of Your Dog
Dog Owners - Keep Control of Your Dog
Good evening,
We have been made aware of two incidents on the Haslington Ward area of dogs getting bitten by other dogs who were not on leads and were not under control. (The Haslington Ward covers Haslington and the 10 other rural villages in Crewe East.)
You are responsible for your dog being under control and being on the lead. It does not matter how much you trust your dog, animals can be unpredictable and can react differently in different situations.
The dog will potentially go on a dangerous dog register if it bites another dog or person.
More information can be found on the government website on laws and restrictions.
Thank you for your time.
Kind regards,
PCSO Lizzie Jolley 22582
Wednesday, 13 January 2021
Council sees surge in waste reduction volunteers
Cheshire East Council's waste reduction volunteer programme has seen a surge of new recruits signing up to play their part in improving their local environment.
Since the outbreak of Covid-19, volunteers from across the borough have come forward to join the programme and help protect Cheshire East's environment – with many using lockdown as the opportunity to give back to their communities.
As well as educating people to understand the importance of recycling, reducing food waste and how they can compost at home, volunteers have also been working to help tackle 'lockdown littering'.
Alison Jenkins, programme coordinator for Ansa - the council's wholly-owned environmental services company - said: “It’s been a challenging year for so many people and a huge portion of our new volunteers have reached out to us after they found they had lots of extra time on their hands or were left disconnected from their usual networks.
“Some joined us wanting to learn more about recycling, others wanted to share their own knowledge, but many just wanted to hit the streets to do their part to combat lockdown litter, including disposable face coverings, gloves and even surgical gowns.”
Councillor Laura Crane, Cheshire East Council cabinet member for highways and waste, added: "The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have been hugely challenging for us all and so it is heartening to hear that in spite of this, people are continuing to give up their own time to help protect our environment and carry out this important work.
"I would like to thank all volunteers for their efforts and remind everyone of their own responsibility to help keep Cheshire East clean – we all have a part to play in reducing, reusing, and recycling waste."
Carol Goodwin is one of the latest recruits to have joined the programme. She said: “Seeing the disrespect to our green spaces really drove me to take part in the programme, however, it was a real opportunity for me to connect with others during Ansa’s regular virtual afternoon tea sessions where volunteers come together to share ideas, advice and just connect.
"The programme has been a real spirit lifter; it feels good to be making a difference and meeting like-minded people, but the team has also supported me to take up wonderful new hobbies to benefit the environment – such as home composting.”
If you would like to be part of the programme or to find out more, contact Alison by emailing: or calling: 01270 686827. More information is also available at:
Cheshire East Council says look after your mental health during lockdown
We’ve all sadly spent the first full week of a new year in lockdown – hardly the way we all hoped to start 2021.
This third, and what could be the most difficult lockdown yet, is proving to be extremely challenging for many, with the added pressure of home-schooling, dark nights and the cold weather snap. Cheshire East Council is advising residents of the importance of looking after their mental health during this difficult time.
There has been growing concern about rising infection rates, a new, more contagious strain of the virus and mounting pressures on our local NHS services. All these pressures and concerns have been realised as we face lockdown restrictions once again.
Many people may be feeling burned-out and tired with the ongoing restrictions, with the added gloom that January can bring due to the anti-climax and financial fall out of Christmas, so it’s more important than ever to look after your mental health during a challenging time for many people and their families.
“This winter has the added challenge of Covid-19 restrictions, which for many people, may add to experiences of SAD or result in some people experiencing this winter depression for the first time.
“Last year taught us all that mental health is so important and has enabled many people to reach out to others, whichever way they have been affected by the pandemic – such as losing a loved one, losing their job, financial concerns and feelings of loneliness and isolation.
“We must all continue to speak to others and seek help from specialist organisations if we need to. There are a range of support groups and organisations, which will be open and running throughout the national lockdown. For details, visit:”
Councillor Jill Rhodes, Cheshire East Council cabinet member for public health and corporates services, said: “Now more than ever we must take care of ourselves and each other. Let’s not forget the sense of togetherness that the first lockdown last year brought and go back to the virtual ways of communicating that we learnt.
“Take time to check in on friends and loved ones via a phone or video call, write and post a letter or card to brighten someone’s day and show that you’re thinking of them.”
Cheshire East Council appointed two mental health champions, Councillor Sally Handley and Councillor Jonathan Parry last year, to help combat the distress and anxiety many people are feeling during this uncertain time.
Councillor Sally Handley said: “We know many residents enjoyed spending time with family or friends during the Christmas day measures relaxation.
“Sadly, this was short-lived, and we must now adhere to the strictest restrictions of not mixing with other households and staying at home. This is difficult for many of us, who enjoy and thrive on the company of others.”
Councillor Jonathan Parry said: “We all need to stay indoors, work from home where possible, not mix with another household apart from a support or childcare bubble and only shop for essentials such as food and medicines.
“It’s important that we all take care of our mental wellbeing during this time and check-in on friends and relatives, who may need our support.”
Ideas to protect and support mental health are:
● Have a routine and set short-term goals – plan regular calls/video calls with friends and relatives and make time for regular breaks if working from home and/or home-schooling;
● Plan leisure time and exercise for you and the family – wrap up warm and head outside for a winter walk, discover online exercise classes, compile a reading list and set yourself a challenge, plan themed movie nights in and learn a new skill or rediscover an old one, such as baking;
● Look at your sleeping habits – sleep is essential for our mental health, so keep track of how many hours sleep you get and practice good habits before bedtime to help you relax and unwind such as having a hot bath and a warm milky drink;
● Look at your eating habits – dark winter nights call for comfort food but excessing can leave you feeling sluggish and affect your mental health. Enjoy a balanced diet packed with plenty of energy and mood-boosting foods such as fruit and foods rich in vitamin C and;
● Reach out for help as early as possible – seek help with things like debt, finances or practical support with shopping for food or medicines. Worrying about these will have a negative effect on your mental health.
Children and young people may be finding home-schooling and online learning away from their friends particularly difficult or be struggling with the work set. For help and support with this, please contact your child’s school or college.
If any children or young people are feeling low, they are urged to speak to their parents, carers, teacher or support worker. There are also a whole host of ways that the council can support them.
Places to access help are also available on the children’s pages on the council’s live well section of their website,
For further help and advice on mental wellbeing, including information on local support services, visit:
For details on how Cheshire East Council can help with money worries or for information on debt charities such as the National Debt Line and Age UK, visit:
If you or someone you know need support from our People Helping People scheme, please visit:
Residents can help friends and neighbours, who do not have internet access, by downloading and printing off information from the website and giving it to them.
For more advice and information follow the council’s social media pages, visit their Facebook page at: and Twitter at: @CheshireEast
Villages in Cheshire East en route to benefit from new transport fund
Cheshire East Council expects to secure nearly £1.3m from the Department for Transport’s Rural Mobility Fund to improve links to the south west of Nantwich, it was announced at cabinet today.
The new services will positively impact the residents of Bunbury, Wrenbury and Audlem, where the public transport service offer is currently very limited.
The £1.26m funding will be used to operate new demand-responsive services, initially for three years. Two 16-seat accessible vehicles will be operating from 7am-9pm, which would allow for journeys to work and education, along with healthcare, shopping and leisure. The service will be available to all residents on a fare-paying basis.
The new service will utilise an innovative app-based booking system, which up until now has mainly been used in urban areas by major bus companies and transport authorities. The system will be flexible enough to integrate with existing public transport networks, providing an efficient, sustainable transport alternative at the touch of a button.
Speaking after the cabinet meeting today, Cheshire East Council deputy leader Councillor Craig Browne, said: “Although we must be cautious when encouraging people to get out and use public transport during a global pandemic, this is a fantastic opportunity to develop our plans for this innovative, new service and launch it later in the year.
“To successfully bid for any public funding at this extremely challenging time is something to celebrate and the availability of this new service in one of the more remote parts of our borough will be very welcome news to all those residents, who live, work and travel in those areas.”
The council will work with the Department for Transport over the coming weeks to finalise the business case for these new routes. Subject to funding being confirmed, the new service is expected to be up and running by Tuesday 1 June.
Council launches vision for children and young people across Cheshire East
Cheshire East Council launched a vision called ‘Together for Children and Young People’ at a meeting of cabinet today (12 January) which sets out how, together with their partners, the council will make Cheshire East a great place to be young.
The vision is based on what children, young people, parents, carers and practitioners think is important and will be used to ensure all staff working with children and young people have a shared aim and are ambitious for children. The vision is centred around the importance of working together in partnership with children, young people and families.
The vision builds on six outcomes from the Cheshire East Children and Young People’s Plan:
- Children and young people who are cared for are happy and given every opportunity to achieve their full potential;
- Children and young people feel and are safe;
- Children and young people are happy and experience good mental health and wellbeing;
- Children and young people are healthy and make positive choices;
- Children and young people leave school with the best skills and qualifications they can achieve and the life skills they need to thrive into adulthood; and
- Children, young people, and young adults with additional needs have better chances in life.
Councillor Kathryn Flavell, Cheshire East Council cabinet member for children and families, said: “There are nearly 105,000 children and young people who live in Cheshire East, representing around 27 per cent of the population.
“Children’s services across the borough, from schools to social care, early years and health, work together day in, day out to nurture and support our youngest residents.
“We recognise that the current pandemic is really tough for children, young people and their families, with disruption to education, impact on mental health and uncertainty about their futures.
“This shared vision, developed together with our children and young people, reflects their aspirations and needs and is backed by the belief that children are best supported within their families and communities.
“With the right help, by the right people at the right time, the vision sets out how we want to ensure families get support early and as soon as they need it to prevent issues becoming more difficult.
“All children should enjoy the best education that prepares them to thrive in adulthood and we continue to work with and support all our schools during this time. These are challenging times for everyone involved and we hope that all children and young people will be able to return to school or college as soon as it is safe to do so.
“I fully endorse this vision, which focusses on the needs of children and young people, and ensures that together with our partners, we will make Cheshire East a great place to be young.”
Monday, 11 January 2021
Libraries launch new order and collect service
Cheshire East Council is launching a new order and collect service today to encourage people to continue accessing library services during lockdown.
With lockdown measures meaning that the public are unable to access many services in the usual manner, the council’s libraries service has come up with a way to enable residents to continue enjoying the many books we have at 15 of our libraries.
While our digital services are also available to access reading and information at this time, the new Covid-safe order and collect service provides an alternative for those who prefer a physical book to maintain their positive mental health and wellbeing.
The order and collect service is simple and straightforward to use. Residents simply need to:
● call or email their local library and say which subject they are interested in;
● provide their library card number and contact details;
● give a brief description of the books, providing authors and genres if they know them; and
● arrange a suitable collection time with the librarian.
Although the council is unable to provide specific book requests this time, library staff will endeavour to provide the best possible matches. Residents can ask for eight titles for each request and can use the service as many times as they wish.
The order and collect service is available for adults and children’s books, so parents and carers can receive books on behalf of children and young people as well. Collections can also be made on behalf of residents, who may be less comfortable leaving their homes or who may be self-isolating.
Councillor Mick Warren, Cheshire East Council cabinet member for communities, said: “We are all adapting to different ways of living our lives during lockdown, so it’s a really positive thing to be able to adapt our services accordingly in order that our residents don’t miss out.
“I quite like the idea of our experienced librarians using their judgement to surprise our residents with choices. It’s a little bit like if you make a purchase on Amazon and it says, ‘if you liked this then you might also like these similar titles’. The new order and collect service enables residents to connect with their local library in a Covid-safe and secure way and this, of course, is the most important aspect of what we are doing in launching this new service.”
The council understands that not everyone will feel comfortable to venture out during lockdown, so our popular online services will be continuing during lockdown. E-books, e-audio and e-magazines are still there for everyone at
Your Chance To Put Your Questions To Chief Constable and PCC
Your Chance To Put Your Questions To Chief Constable and PCC
Cheshire Police Chief Constable Darren Martland and Police and Crime Commissioner David Keane will be holding three virtual public engagement sessions over the coming weeks for Cheshire residents to attend.
It’s part of a new consultation to obtain your views on policing priorities and funding and community safety.
The sessions will take place on the following dates:
Tuesday 12 January, 6.30pm-8pm
Saturday 16 January, 1pm-2.30pm
Tuesday 19 January, 6.30pm-8pm
If you would like to attend one of the virtual sessions please email your name and address, the date of the session you’d like to attend and your question for the Commissioner or Chief Constable to
Registration for each session closes 24 hours before it takes place. The link to join the sessions will be emailed to those registered shortly before each session.
Questions can also be submitted by those unable to attend the sessions to using the subject title ‘question’.
Alternatively, if you’re unable to attend the sessions but you’d like to give your views on policing priorities and funding, you can complete this short online survey:
The consultation closes at midnight on Sunday 24 January 2021.
Message Sent By
Daniel Millington (Cheshire Police / Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service, Media Office
Cheshire East residents receive the Covid-19 vaccine
Residents in Cheshire East have started to receive the Oxford Astra-Zeneca Covid-19 vaccination as GP-led services rolled out in ten locations last week.
Initially focusing on protecting those at highest risk, services started to go live last week, continuing through to this week, in:
- Wilmslow
- Congleton
- Knutsford
- Macclesfield
- Poynton
- Crewe (x 2 locations)
- Nantwich
- Middlewich
- Alsager
A small number of pharmacy-led sites have also been identified across Cheshire East that could support GP-led services where required, to ensure that residents are vaccinated as quickly as possible.
Further to the hospital-based service which started vaccinating at the Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust on Tuesday 8 December 2020, vaccinations also started at Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust on Monday 28 December and at East Cheshire NHS Trust last Wednesday.
The mayor of Cheshire East, 81-year-old Councillor Barry Burkhill, had his vaccine this weekend at Wilmslow Health Centre. Barry said: “It was a well-oiled machine of organisation with many nurses and doctors administering the injections in different sections of the health centre.
“It is so important for everyone who receives either a phone call or letter from the NHS inviting them to attend for their jab, to accept and gain the protection from this vicious virus. It not only protects you but also helps to eventually stop the spread to others. I would urge everyone to have their vaccine jab when it is offered. It only takes a few minutes and is almost painless.”
NHS organisations have started vaccinating frontline health and care workers such as nurses, doctors and social workers. The programme is to be expanded in the coming weeks to ensure that the majority of care home staff and residents are protected.
Councillor Sam Corcoran, leader of Cheshire East Council, said: “It’s vitally important that Cheshire East residents attend their appointment and start to get protection against this deadly virus. Like the rest of the country, we’ve had to wait in line for the vaccine and be patient as the country’s biggest vaccination programme to date is rolled out.
“I’m delighted that it’s now full steam ahead for Cheshire East with ten GP practices rolling the vaccination programme out, in addition to Macclesfield District General Hospital and a number of pharmacies across the area.”
Councillor Craig Browne, deputy leader of Cheshire East Council, said: “I know that there is great anticipation among residents, with many keen to receive the vaccine, so that we may all start to return to a more normal way of life as soon as possible.
“It’s important that residents wait to receive their invitation to have the vaccine, there is no need to contact the NHS or your local GP – you will automatically get your appointment as soon as possible, depending on what priority group you are in.
“In the meantime, we must all remember the importance of good hand hygiene, wearing a face covering where appropriate and keeping a distance from others when leaving home to shop for essentials or taking daily exercise.”
You can help the NHS deliver the Covid-19 vaccination programme effectively by following this simple guidance:
- People in the priority groups will be contacted when it’s their turn to receive the vaccine. Please do not contact the NHS to seek a vaccine before then;
- When you are invited for a vaccine, please act on your invite and make sure you attend appointments when you arrange them; and
- Please continue to wear a face covering and abide by social distancing and hand hygiene guidance as, until the vaccine has been fully rolled out, this is the most effective way to save lives.
Alongside delivering a Covid-19 vaccine, GP practices across Cheshire will continue to offer routine appointments to those that need them.
If you are in any doubt about which local health service you need, contact NHS 111 first – either by dialling 111 or going online at:
Residents can help friends and neighbours, who do not have internet access, by downloading and printing off information from the website and giving it to them.
For more advice and information, follow the council’s social media channels. Visit their Facebook page at: and at Twitter at: @CheshireEast
Sunday, 10 January 2021
Alert - Coronavirus Vaccination Scams
Alert - Coronavirus Vaccination Scams
As of 7 January 2021, Action Fraud had received 57 reports from members of the public who have been sent text messages claiming to be from the NHS, offering them the opportunity to sign up for coronavirus vaccinations. The texts ask the recipient to click on a link which takes them to an online form where they are prompted to input personal and financial details. In some cases the online form has looked very similar to the real NHS website.
Pauline Smith, Head of Action Fraud, said:
“Remember, the vaccine is only available on the NHS and is free of charge. The NHS will never ask you for details about your bank account or to pay for the vaccine. If you receive an email, text message or phone call purporting to be from the NHS and you are asked to provide financial details, this is a scam.”
How to protect yourself:
In the UK, coronavirus vaccinations will only be available via the National Health Services of England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland. You can be contacted by the NHS, your employer, a local GP surgery or pharmacy, to receive your vaccination. Remember, the vaccinations are free of charge and you will not be asked for a payment.
The NHS will never:
- ask for your bank account or card details
- ask for your PIN or banking passwords
- arrive unannounced at your home to administer the vaccine
- ask for documentation to prove your identity, such as a passport or utility bills
If you receive a call you believe to be fraudulent, hang up. If you are suspicious about an email you have received, forward it to Suspicious text messages should be forwarded to the number 7726, which is free of charge.
If you believe you are the victim of a fraud, please report this to Action Fraud as soon as possible by calling 0300 123 2040 or visiting
*Please forward this email to any friends, family members, or colleagues that may find this information useful*

Message Sent By
Action Fraud (Action Fraud, Administrator, National)
Domestic Violence Matters
Domestic Violence Matters
Good afternoon,
With the current lock down we are here to advise and help regarding domestic violence crimes. Please do not suffer in silence and reach out if you need help. The police shall treat any reports made to us with seriousness.
Please see the link below for further details.
(If this link does not work when clicked, please copy and paste into your browser)