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Join me on the forum below as I am on the staff as Samuria 24/7/365 worldwide support all FREE 'Friday, 31 May 2019
Some people receive embossed invitations to dine with royalty. Tatton Park has a rather different proposition on offer this June - you are most cordially invited to party with the peasants!
Any excuse for a bit of fun would have been welcome, and Tatton Park has a great weekend of entertainment planned at the atmospheric Old Hall - Sunday 16 June is also Fathers Day, and though that hadn’t been ‘invented’ in medieval times, nowadays it is an excellent reason for a special day out.
All the traditional elements of a Fayre of this kind will be arrayed in the grounds of Tatton Park’s fascinating Old Hall. There’ll be demonstrations of firepower, from the flash of cannon and musket, to the satisfying thwack of a longbow arrow finding its target. Archery competitions will be available for those who’d like to test their skills.
Artisan demonstrations of the forging of armour will fascinate history buffs: and enthusiastic re-enactors will play out dramatic scenes for your entertainment. Those children brave enough can watch the fierce and furious battles.
Sideshows and amusements will intrigue you, and plenty of imaginative food selections - along with ale, mead, and fruit cordials - will keep you going through a fast-paced day. Although in those days ‘shopping’ was not quite the pursuit it is today, you’ll have plenty of chance to examine the fine products of artisans, and bargain with merchants, peddling their wares.
Originating from the 15th century and reputed to be haunted, Tatton Park’s Old Hall is a hidden gem. Once at the heart of Tatton estate, it has an eventful history: from its initial use as the Lord of the Manor’s Great Hall, to its final use as a mole catcher’s cottage.
Each of the two days of the Fayre will feature a knights’ ‘tourney’ – or tournament -and will conclude with The Battle of Tatton Field, a fierce conflict fought over possession of the Old Hall. A dramatic and fitting conclusion to a day of jocosity, wassail, revelry and merriment.
The Medieval Fayre will be held on Saturday 15 June and Sunday 16 June, between 11am and 5pm, with last admission at 4pm.
Admission charges:
£7.50 per adult, £5.00 per child, £20 family of 2 adults and 3 children, aged 4-15.
Please enter via Knutsford entrance, Sat-Nav WA16 6HS. A £7 Vehicle Park Entry charge applies for visitors who arrive by car, minibus or motorbike. Walkers, cyclists and booked coaches enter the parkland for free.
Tatton Park is managed and financed by Cheshire East Council on behalf of the National Trust. This impressive historic estate receives in the region of 800,000 visitors every year who come to enjoy its neo-classical Mansion, medieval Old Hall, award-winning Gardens and working Farm. The 1,000-acre deer park is home to red and fallow deer and the estate also boasts speciality shops, adventure playground, restaurant, Gardener’s Cottage tea room, and year-round events programme.
For further information please contact:
Carole Hyde, Business Development Manager
T: 01625 374410 E:
Wednesday, 29 May 2019
Police Call For Vigilance Following A Series Of Scams
Detectives are urging Cheshire residents to be vigilant on the back of several fraud offences having been reported to police since the start of the Bank Holiday Weekend.
Between Friday 28 May and yesterday, Tuesday May 28, Cheshire Constabulary was notified of scammers targeting people across the county.
The fraudsters claimed to be representatives of a bank, a building society, HM Revenue and Customs, the police and a Facebook lottery and told victims a range of lies in a bid to convince them to part with cash.
Detective Inspector Alastair Hinze, of Cheshire Constabulary’s Economic Crime Unit, said: “Three of the victims are from Warrington and there are others from Knutsford, Scholar Green and Stapeley.
“Callers purporting to be from HMRC told victims in Warrington and Stapeley that they owed money in unpaid taxes and would be arrested if they did not pay up.
“The other fraud offences in Warrington involved a caller pretending to be a detective, who asked a victim to move money from one bank account to another to assist with an investigation, and requests for money to enable a victim to receive a large amount of cash they had been told that they had won on a Facebook lottery.
“A victim in Knutsford received a call from someone purporting to be from a bank’s fraud department telling them that they needed to move money from their ISA accounts to ‘safe accounts’ due to corrupt employees having access to them.
“Unfortunately, some of the victims have lost large amounts of money as a result of these scams.
“A victim in Scholar Green also had money taken after being called from someone purporting to be from a telecommunications company. They told the victim that they had detected hacking on their internet connection and needed to run software to thwart the hackers.
“This paved the way for them to be able to steal money.
“Sadly, scams like this are very common, with people throughout the county and the country being targeted every day.
“Over-the-phone fraudsters can be very convincing and use a range of tactics to try to convince victims to part with their money.
“For example, they may claim to be working for the police and ask you to call 101 or 999 to verify their identity. When you try to do so you will end up talking to an accomplice as they will not put the phone down when you do, ensuring that the line is kept open.
“Scammers may also pretend to be calling you from your bank, building society, internet or phone provider or HMRC.
“All these scams are orchestrated by serious organised crime groups.
“I urge people living in Cheshire to be vigilant and to follow our advice on how to avoid falling victim to such scams.”
Cheshire Constabulary’s scam prevention advice includes:
Telephone scams
• The police or your bank or building society will never ask you to become part of an undercover investigation or for you to withdraw money and hand it to them for safe-keeping, or to transfer your money elsewhere.
• Be wary of any calls, texts or emails purporting to be from the police, HMRC, your bank, your building society, your internet or phone provider or anyone else asking for your personal or financial details, or for you to transfer money (for whatever reason).
• Do not give anyone purporting to be from a telecommunications company access to any of your internet enabled devices, passwords or personal information.
• If you receive a suspicious call asking you to call back to verify that the caller is genuine, make sure that you verify that it is the correct number for the organisation they claim to be calling from. You should then only call back (on the organisation’s advertised number) either at a different time or by using a different phone.
• If you are approached, or feel something is suspicious, hang up the phone and do not reply and then report it to police on 101, Action Fraud and your bank on their advertised number.
HMRC and lottery scams
• If you receive a phone call – including an automated phone call – letter or email from someone purporting to be from HMRC saying that a warrant is out for your arrest for unpaid tax, this will be a scam. Report the scam to Action Fraud.
• If you receive emails or letters saying that you have won a large amount of money on an overseas or online lottery you have not entered, ignore them.
• If you have responded to such emails/letters/phone calls, break off all contact with the fraudsters immediately.
• If you have given the fraudsters your bank or building society account details, alert your bank or building society immediately.
• Be aware that once you have given your bank or building society account details to a fraudster you are likely to be a target for other frauds – fraudsters often share details about people they have successfully targeted or approached, with different identities used to commit further frauds.
• People who have already fallen victim to fraudsters are particularly vulnerable to recovery fraud, which is when fraudsters contact people who have already lost money through fraud and claim to be law enforcement officers or lawyers. They advise the victim that they can help them recover their lost money, but request a fee. This again is a scam.
DI Hinze added: “If you have elderly relatives, friends or neighbours please ensure that they are aware of such scams and that you do everything you can to safeguard them and their savings.”
Anyone who believes that they have been a victim of a scam should contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040. Cheshire Constabulary can be contacted on 101.
Message Sent By
Daniel Millington (Police, Media Officer, HQ Digital Communications)
Ansa Environmental Services celebrates five year milestone
Based in Middlewich, Ansa was formed in 2014 and this year marks five years of growth, success, teamwork and innovation.
The environmental services company, which employs a little under 400 staff, has come a long way in such a short space of time and it has grown into a multi award-winning business. It has even expanded with the creation of Alliance Environmental Services Ltd, a joint venture partnership with High Peak Borough Council and Staffordshire Moorlands District Council.
Managing Director, Kevin Melling said, “We are very proud of our achievements which we couldn’t have attained without the dedicated and committed workforce that we are fortunate to have. We have encountered many challenges along the way and these challenges have led us towards innovation and improvement but more importantly, results.”
“Our employee recognition scheme Ansa Ace, clearly demonstrates that our teams regularly go above and beyond for customers and colleagues alike. Our apprenticeship programme continues to go from strength the strength with 16 apprentices employed since 2014. Five years is a special milestone and we look forward to celebrating many more to come.”
The team celebrated with a special ‘Ansa-versary’ event at the Environmental Hub on Friday 17th May.
Since opening the purpose built Environmental Hub, based in Cledford Lane, Ansa has been committed to delivering community focused schemes, such as waste and recycling talks to local schools and community groups, as well, fundraising for a variety of charities including the locally based, Cheshire East Hospice. The Company has also established a Community Liaison Group which meets regularly to discuss ideas and other matters.
More information is available at:
Tuesday, 28 May 2019
Cheshire East Council elects new mayor of the borough
Councillor Barry Burkhill has been elected as Mayor of Cheshire East.
He was sworn in at the annual mayor-making ceremony on Wednesday 22 May.
His deputy, elected by members, is Councillor Steven Edgar, who represents Haslington, near Crewe.
Cllr Burkhill has represented Handforth for 38 years and for 28 years was a member of Macclesfield Borough Council, of which he was elected mayor in 2007. Cllr Burkhill was elected as a member of Cheshire East Council in 2011. He has sat on a number of council committees, including planning, licensing and corporate overview and scrutiny.
By tradition, both the mayor and deputy mayor are non-political roles, carrying out civic duties on behalf of the council and residents of the borough.
The mayor chairs meetings of Cheshire East Council and can use his or her casting vote, if required to do so.
The mayor is seen as the first citizen of the borough and can expect to attend many events during the civic year. These can range from fun events among communities and local schools to solemn occasions such as Remembrance Day.
Cllr Burkhill, who has a keen interest in medieval history, music and his university subject of geology, was sworn into office, along with his wife Sue as mayoress, at a civic ceremony held at Tatton Park’s Tenants Hall. The ceremony was attended by special guests and dignitaries from around the borough, including local mayors from town councils, Aldermen and members of Cheshire East Council.
Cllr Burkhill said on his election as mayor: “Although it has been totally unexpected to be asked to become mayor for the 2019/20 municipal year, it is nevertheless an honour and a privilege to represent the people of Cheshire East.
“These are difficult times and my wife, Sue, and I will be using the year ahead to highlight the prodigious voluntary work that is daily carried out throughout the borough. In particular, we look forward to visiting all centres which work with food banks and homeless people and support those of our number who face challenging times.”
“I thank you all for your support and my wife and I hope to be very worthy successors to Lesley and David Smetham, the outgoing mayor and her consort.”
Cllr Burkhill’s first duty was to chair the annual meeting of the new Cheshire East Council later that day.
Scam Warning - Fake Talktalk Emails
Watch out for these FAKE TalkTalk emails about a refund
Action Fraud has received over 100 reports this week about fake emails purporting to be from TalkTalk. The emails state that the recipient’s TalkTalk account is in credit and that they’re owed a refund. The links in the emails lead to malicious websites.
Don’t click on the links or attachments in suspicious emails, and never respond to messages that ask for your personal or financial details.
Firelink Enewsletter - May 2019
Firelink Enewsletter - May 2019
Welcome to May edition of the Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service e-Newsletter
Motorcyclist thanks doctor for saving his life

A Warrington motorcyclist has thanked the doctor who performed emergency open chest heart surgery at the side of the road, saving his life and enabling him to walk his daughter down the aisle on her wedding day.
Find out more - Motorcyclist thanks doctor for saving his life
Fatal 5

More than twice the number of people died on Cheshire’s roads in 2018 in comparison to the previous year - and the majority of those deaths could have been avoided.
46 people lost their lives in road traffic collisions in 2018 and already, in 2019, there have been 23 fatalities on our roads - that’s more than one per week.
Investigations into these collisions show that some of the fatalities could have been prevented and that there are five main contributory factors that cause serious road traffic collisions.
These are known as the 'Fatal 5'. Careless driving, drink and drug driving, not wearing a seatbelt, using a mobile phone and speeding
Find out more - Fatal 5
Plans for Chester Fire Station

We’re planning to replace the fire station in Chester with a state-of-the-art facility that will serve the city for years to come.
We hope to upgrade the current, ageing building on St Anne Street, and replace it with a new station that would feature modern training facilities, a better working environment, and more space and improved facilities for community engagement.
A previous application was rejected in November last year, on the grounds that it adversely impacted neighbouring properties - though every member on the planning committee agreed the condition of the existing fire station was substandard and that the firefighters and staff working there deserved better. We’ve listened to the feedback and altered the plans accordingly.
Find out more - Plans for Chester Fire Station
National sprinkler week calls for a firefighter in every room

We're supporting the National Fire Chiefs Council's (NFCC) 2019 National Sprinkler Week campaign.
The NFCC and the National Fire Sprinkler Network (NFSN) carried out research to investigate the effectiveness and reliability of sprinkler systems. They found that sprinkler systems operate on 94 per cent of occasions, demonstrating very high reliability. Furthermore it is evident that when they do operate they extinguish or contain the fire on 99 per cent of occasions and are thus very effective. The evidence also demonstrated that in both converted and purpose built flats, sprinklers are 100 per cent effective in controlling fires.
There is disparity in building regulations in regard to sprinklers in the UK. Sprinkler laws in Wales and Scotland are much less lenient than in England which means that their communities have more fire protection.
Find out more - National sprinkler week calls for a firefighter in every room

Message Sent By
Ashley Lawton (Cheshire Fire , Administrator, Cheshire Fire)
Friday, 24 May 2019
Council leader calls for action on ‘climate change emergency’
The leader of Cheshire East Council has called for local action to help tackle ‘the emergency of climate change’.
A notice of motion tabled by the authority’s new leader Councillor Sam Corcoran, which was seconded by Councillor Quentin Abel and backed by a unanimous vote of full council, called for a Cheshire East environmental strategy to be brought forward ‘as a matter of urgency’.
The motion also called for the council to be carbon neutral by 2025 and said the local authority ‘will work to encourage all businesses, residents and organisations in the borough to reduce their carbon footprint – by reducing energy consumption and promoting healthy lifestyles’.
Cllr Corcoran’s notice of motion follows Parliament’s declaration earlier this month of an ‘environment and climate emergency’.
Councillor Sam Corcoran said: “The council recognises the importance of climate change and wants to reduce its carbon footprint even further. The key things we can do are to reduce the number of buildings we hold, improve the efficiency of our energy systems, promote recycling, increase the use of renewable energy and ensure we use vehicles efficiently in the delivery of our operational services.
“The council plans to bring forward a draft environment strategy in July, which will outline the steps the council can take to improve its impact on climate change and the environment.”
Councillor Craig Browne, deputy leader of the council and leader of the Independent group, said: “Climate change is an important issue and we must all do what we can, both as a council and as individuals, which is why I am supporting this motion. However, if this issue is to be seriously addressed, then it will need more agreement and co-operation at the national and international level.”
Councillor Janet Clowes, group leader for the Conservative group, said: “Climate change is a global issue that demands collaborative action at international levels. However, individuals and organisations still have a vital role to play.
“Cheshire East Council has embraced this challenge and is already scheduled to launch its own environment strategy over the summer, building on its current 42 per cent carbon footprint reduction (achieved in 2016) and aiming to reduce it by a further 20 per cent by 2020.”
Council set to move to committee system of decision making
Cheshire East Council is set to move to committee system of decision making.
A notice of motion which proposes to move away from the current ‘leader and cabinet’ model won the support of councillors in a vote at the authority’s annual meeting.
The notice of motion was brought by Councillor James Nicholas, deputy leader of the Independent group. The motion, which was overwhelmingly backed by councillors, said: “This council is committed to implementing a change in decision-making governance arrangements, comprising the cessation of current leader and cabinet model of governance and the implementation of a full committee model of governance. This is to be developed during 2019/20 with a view to the arrangements taking effect from the beginning of the 2020/21 municipal year, subject to a legally and constitutionally robust process, led by the council’s constitution committee and agreed by council.”
Under the new proposed arrangements, decisions would be taken by committees made up of elected members in proportion to their representation at council.
However, for practical and legal reasons, the earliest date such a change in governance could take effect is from May 2020. The cabinet system will therefore continue, on a transitional basis, until proposals and arrangements for a committee system can be put in place.
Councillor Sam Corcoran, leader of Cheshire East Council, said: “It may seem strange that my first act as leader is to give away power – but that is what I intend to do. We need a system of governance that gives more power to backbench councillors.
“We will not rush into any changes and the challenge for the constitution committee is to devise a new committee-based system that devolves power down and provides effective decision-making. The results of the constitution committee’s work will then be presented to full council, hopefully within the next year.”
Councillor Craig Browne, deputy leader of Cheshire East Council, said: “I warmly welcome this move. This is the right decision and great news – not only for the council but also for local residents across the whole borough.
“A move to a committee system of governance is long overdue and its implementation, following the necessary due process, will ensure greater transparency and accountability around council decisions. A committee system will also involve a wider cross-section of voices being heard and engaged in the whole decision-making process and be much more open to engagement and scrutiny by members of the public.”
Councillor Janet Clowes, leader of the Conservative group said: “The process of implementing change in the decision-making arrangements of a unitary authority the size of Cheshire East is highly complex. However, after a decade since the council’s inception, it is now timely to engage in a process of change and public consultation that is legally and constitutionally robust over the next 12 months.”
Councillor Sam Corcoran elected leader of Cheshire East Council
Labour’s Sam Corcoran has been elected leader of Cheshire East Council – with Independent group leader Craig Browne appointed as his deputy.
The council was formerly led by the Conservatives since its creation in 2009.
Cllr Corcoran, who represents Sandbach Heath and East ward, was elected the leader of the council at a meeting of full council (22 May). Cllr Corcoran immediately appointed Cllr Browne as deputy leader.
Cllr Corcoran will now chair the cabinet. He is also the leader of the Labour group and has been a Cheshire East councillor since 2011.
Upon his election as council leader, Cllr Corcoran said: “I am very honoured and proud to be elected to lead Cheshire East Council. I am pleased that my leadership started with consensus over a motion on the climate change emergency declared by Parliament and with a motion on changing the decision-making arrangements at Cheshire East Council.
“It is necessary to look inwards at the way the council has been operating – but we must also look outwards to provide the services that local residents need and to promote positive change.
“The change of leadership provides an opportunity for change at Cheshire East Council and I hope that all staff, councillors and residents will join with me in seeking to grasp the opportunity for change for the better.”
Cllr Browne, who represents Alderley Edge ward, said: “This is a landmark day for Cheshire East and the beginning of a new era of political cooperation in the interest of all of our residents across Cheshire East.
“I am deeply honoured to be able to serve our residents as their deputy leader and I will strive to ensure that the interests of all the communities of Cheshire East are heard and put at the heart of all that this council does.”
Cllr Corcoran unveiled his 10-strong cabinet team at the meeting, which will be in place until a new committee system of governance is introduced, which is expected in May 2020. The cabinet members are:
● Cllr Sam Corcoran, council leader and chairman of the cabinet;
● Cllr Craig Browne, (deputy leader);
● Cllr Dorothy Flude, responsibilities for children and family services;
● Cllr Laura Jeuda, responsibilities for health and adult social care;
● Cllr Jill Rhodes, responsibilities for public health and corporate services;
● Cllr Mick Warren, responsibilities for communities;
● Cllr Toni Fox, responsibilities for planning;
● Cllr Brian Roberts, responsibilities for highways and waste;
● Cllr Nick Mannion, responsibilities for environment and regeneration; and
● Cllr Amanda Stott, responsibilities for finance, IT and communications.
Tuesday, 21 May 2019
Call For Vigilance Following Spate Of Burglaries Across Cheshire
Cheshire residents are being urged to be vigilant following a spate of burglaries across the county.
A series of homes, sheds, garages and businesses were targeted by burglars over the weekend.
Vehicles parked in front of homes were also targeted, with keys to the cars stolen from inside the properties.
The majority of the burglary incidents occurred in Warrington.
There were also a significant number of burglaries in Widnes, Runcorn, Crewe and Ellesmere Port over the weekend.
Burglary incidents also took place in Winsford, Wilmslow, Congleton, Macclesfield, Mere, Smallwood, Alsager, Chester and Frodsham.
Police are investigating the burglaries and are assuring residents that they are doing everything they can to catch the people responsible and bring them to justice.
They are also urging anyone with information about any burglary incidents in Cheshire to come forward and are appealing for residents to take action to reduce their chances of becoming victims.
Chief Superintendent Bill Dutton said: “The public can aid our fight against such crimes by contacting us if they see burglaries being carried out or anyone acting suspiciously in their area.
“Information in relation to anyone carrying out, or suspected to be carrying out, burglaries will also be gratefully received.
“Cheshire residents can also help us and themselves by making it as difficult as possible for criminals to break into their homes, sheds, garages and businesses.
“They can do this by following our anti-burglary advice.”
The force’s tips for deterring would-be burglars include:
Homes and vehicles
• Ensure that all windows are closed and doors are locked at your property, even when you are at home or in the garden
• Use security devices, such as steering locks, to keep vehicles secure
• Never leave your car keys, house keys, purse or wallet on display near a door or window
• Use the security measures on modern windows, which allow them to let some air in but still be locked
• Keep all valuables out of sight of prying eyes
• Always avoid keeping large amounts of cash in your home
• If you are replacing or fitting new doors and windows, get ones that are certified to British Standard BS7950 (windows) or PAS 24-1 (doors)
• Fit mortise locks (Kitemarked BS3621) to all front and back doors, as well as locks to all windows which are easy to reach
• Have a burglar alarm fitted, but make sure that it is installed properly and works.
• Never leave a garage, shed or other outbuilding unlocked and easy prey for opportunist thieves
• Fit strong padlocks to outbuilding doors and make sure that the doors are solid enough not to be kicked in
• Good external security lighting can put off or draw attention to a thief – the most appropriate form is high efficiency low energy lighting controlled by a dusk-to-dawn switch so that it only comes on when it is dark
• If you have external security lighting that comes on when sensing movement, make sure that the lights are directed downwards to prevent them from being annoying to neighbours and dangerous to passing traffic
• Strong fencing or gates will make it difficult for intruders to get onto your land
• Solid fences or walls, particularly those with a flat or rounded top, are relatively easy for a burglar to climb over – fixing trellising to the top can make it more difficult
• Check for weak spots where a thief could get onto your land, such as a low or sagging fence or a back gate with a weak lock
• A thorny hedge along the boundary of your property can put thieves off, as can gravel areas due to the noise of walking on them.
• Be aware of people loitering near your premises
• Be suspicious of people in vehicles watching the business, particularly if this happens more than once
• Be alert for the unusual, such as people looking nervous and anyone showing unreasonable interest in security or staff numbers
• Check the identity of non-customer visitors, such as alarm engineers, surveyors etc, and call the organisations they claim to represent before allowing access
• Encourage staff to think critically about weaknesses in security and discuss them with management
• Seek advice from specialist insurers and brokers
• Keep as little cash as possible in the premises
• Do not count cash within the view of anyone else
• Locate any tills away from entrance/exit doors – this lessens vulnerability to till snatches
• Transfer excess cash to somewhere safe – you do not need a large number of notes in tills
• Restrict access to the rear of counters by always securing lockable doors and counter flaps
• If large amounts of cash need to be banked or collected on a regular basis, the safest method is to employ a recognised cash carrying company
• Consider extra security equipment such as plastic till guards, smoke and dye money packs, a pneumatic cash transfer system, external access and time delay safes, counter caches, anti-bandit or bullet resistant glass and fast-rising screens.
Anyone with information about burglary incidents in the county should call Cheshire Constabulary on 101 or give the details via .
You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
European Parliamentary Elections: North West region polling day arrangements
Voters across the North West go to the polls this Thursday, 23 May, to elect the region’s eight Members of the European Parliament (MEPs.)
Thousands of polling stations will be open in Cheshire, Cumbria, Lancashire, Greater Manchester and Merseyside from 7am to 10pm on the day.
People who have received their postal vote are being encouraged to complete and return it as soon as possible. Anyone who leaves it too late to post can still drop it off at any polling station in the local authority area where they are registered between 7am and 10pm on Thursday 23 May.
MEPs represent the whole of the North West region and so everybody who is eligible to vote in the region will be voting from the same list of parties and individual candidates.
The European Parliamentary Elections are conducted using a form of proportional representation. Each elector has ONE vote, which can be cast for a political party or an individual candidate. The allocation of the eight MEP positions will depend on the overall share of the vote that a party or individual candidate receives across the region.
Counts will take place across the North West on Sunday 26 May, with the overall regional result being declared in Manchester on the night.
Joanne Roney OBE, Regional Returning Officer for the European Elections in the North West, said: “There are more than five million eligible electors across the North West in 39 different local authority areas. Some have already voted by post. We don’t want anyone who wants to vote to miss out and are keen to ensure that those who are voting in person are aware of polling day arrangements.
“Your poll card will show which polling station you need to vote at, or you can check your local authority website. You will only be able to vote in person at this polling station. But you don’t need to have your poll card with you to be able to vote.”
For more information visit
Sydney Road Bridge reopening
Work on an £11m scheme to replace Sydney Road Bridge in Crewe will continue for a further few weeks, with the road expected to reopen to traffic at the end of June.
The later than planned opening is due to the poor weather conditions experienced earlier in the year and delays with works carried out by utility companies, to divert their services.
Cheshire East Council and Network Rail, which is delivering the scheme on behalf of the authority, are working hard to ensure the road can be reopened as soon as possible. More information will be released over the coming weeks, once the exact opening date is confirmed.
The council would like to reiterate its thanks to residents and motorists for their patience and understanding while the works are being carried out.
The opening of this key project forms part of a package of works in the north of Crewe, which also includes the Crewe Green Roundabout upgrade.
Sydney Road Bridge has been replaced with a new, wider structure capable of taking two-way traffic. It will include a shared cycleway and footway over the bridge, a signal-controlled pedestrian crossing and an improved cycle path along Sydney Road.
Once open it will remove a major traffic ‘pinch point’ in the town, on a route serving Leighton Hospital and the Bentley factory.
Advance notice of the closure of Sandy Lane, Congleton for a nine-month period
A vital phase of the Congleton Link Road construction project is about to start which requires the closure of Sandy Lane.
Located between Sandbach Road and Holmes Chapel, Sandy Lane will be closed initially for nine months from Tuesday 28 May 2019 until February 2020.
The closure is essential to allow the construction of two new roundabouts and to divert and install new utility services.
A map showing the diversion route during the Sandy Lane closure is available to download via this link:
Drivers are advised to plan ahead for their journey during this closure.
If you would like more information on the Congleton Link Road construction, please email the construction project team directly at
Sunday, 19 May 2019
Weaver Wander celebrates a decade of fund-raising journeys
Weaver Wander celebrates a decade of fund-raising journeys
The tenth annual 'Weaver Wander' charity classic & sports car rally - - took place from Nantwich on Saturday 18th May 2019.
Over 150 car and motorcycles assembled for viewing from 8am at Nantwich Football Club car park and departed at 10am. There were numerous MG's, Porsche’s, Triumph’s, Mini’s, an AC Cobra, and Bentley’s. Vehicle owners could follow a 70 mile route or a 40 mile route through local countryside to Hankelow Hall in Hankelow. Nantwich Mayor Councillor Arthur Moran flagged-off each vehicle.
The main sponsor was ‘Carole Nash’ classic car insurance. Fuzz Townshend - motoring journalist and TV presenter from Car SOS - was present at the event and interviewed for Facebook Live during the depart by a representative of Carole Nash.
The event was organised by the Rotary Club of Crewe & Nantwich Weaver - The nominated charities for the 2019 Weaver Wander are Supported Community Business (Special Needs) Ltd, St Luke’s Cheshire Hospice, CHANCE homeless project and other local Rotary Club charities.
St Peter’s Church in Crewe hosts a special animal blessing service
An inaugural ‘Pet Blessing Service’ took place on the afternoon of Sunday 19th May 2019 at St Peter’s Church, Earle Street, Crewe CW1 2AG.
The service was led by Revd Catherine Cleghorn with support from Rev Jane Colley and included worship, singing, a bible reading, a short talk, and blessings to celebrate the place that pets have in our lives and in God’s Kingdom.
The congregation brought rabbits, cats, dogs and a bantam chicken to be blessed. Children brought cuddly toys and there were also people dressed as animals.
A Prayer during the service read, ‘Lord God, we thank you for all the wonderful animals that you created. We thank you that you chose us to be made in your image and that you gave us the responsibility of caring for the whole of your creation. We thank you especially for the pets that share our lives, for the joy that they bring and for the love that they teach us. We pray that you help us to love them as you love us. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.’
The final Hymn was ‘All creatures of our God and King’.
Refreshments including cupcakes with animal designs were available after the service.
Revd Catherine Cleghorn was also interviewed live on-air at BBC Radio Stoke headquarters by presenter Stuart George for the Sunday Breakfast show on morning of the service.
Event organiser Revd Catherine Cleghorn said, “It was great to see people of all ages enjoying spending time in church with their pets! We're so grateful to everyone who helped to organise and promote the service and to everyone who attended.”
Weekly services at St Peter's Church are: Sunday (9am) Holy Communion, Wednesday (9am) Morning Prayer and Wednesday (11am) Holy Communion.
For further information relating to St Peter’s Church, Crewe please contact Revd Catherine Cleghorn on 01270 560310 , visit or search St Peter’s Church Crewe on Facebook.
Have your say – by voting in the European elections
Don’t forget to ‘have your say’ – by voting in the European Parliament elections on Thursday 23 May.
More than five million people across North West England have the opportunity to vote in these elections to select the region’s eight Members of the European Parliament (MEPs).
The North West European Elections take place across the region on Thursday 23 May – with more than 300 polling stations across Cheshire East. The count of those ballot papers will take place on Sunday 26 May in Macclesfield, with the declaration taking place in Manchester on Sunday 26 May, after polls close across Europe.
European Union citizens living in the North West, who are registered to vote, can vote in either the UK or in their country of origin – but not both.
A full list of candidates for the European Parliament Elections is available online via the Cheshire East Council website:
Kath O'Dwyer, Cheshire East Council’s Local Returning Officer for the European elections in the borough, said: “It is important for the vigour and strength of our democracy that residents engage with the democratic process and that people, who are eligible, go out and vote on polling day and have their say.
“If you don’t vote, you don’t have a voice. So I would urge every registered voter to take the time to vote and be heard.”
The European Parliament Elections are run using a form of proportional representation. Voters have one vote only and this can be cast for either a political party or an individual candidate. Each political party puts forward a list of candidates for the North West and the number of MEPs that are elected will depend on the overall share of the vote that a party or individual candidate receives in the region.
MEPs represent the whole of the North West region – so everybody who is eligible to vote in the region will be voting for the same list of parties and candidates.
Cheshire East continues to plan for a greener future with HS2
Cheshire East Council is planning ahead for the arrival of HS2 and considering how an enhanced service and future development may affect the local environment.
As part of the preparations, a planning framework, called an area action plan, is being developed for land around the station. The plan will set out the type of development the community wants to see, and in time, will help the council to manage the growth in the area.
Paul Bayley, director of environment and neighbourhood services at Cheshire East Council, said: “Part of our ambition with this area action plan is to really improve the look and feel of land around the railway station. However, we must recognise that exciting prospects of regeneration and development brings a need to consider local environmental sensitivities.
“We will be writing to all land owners in the vicinity of the station to ask for permission to conduct environmental surveys over the coming days. This is because we need to check for any species or habitats that may need to be protected or re-homed in the area if development was permitted.
“We want to make the most out of the opportunity that HS2 can bring to our area, but we must also protect what makes it special, and these environmental surveys can help us to do that.
“We are in the early stages of this planning framework and I would urge all to get involved in the upcoming conversations so it is a clear reflection of our community.”
There will be a number of consultation events and opportunities to get involved in the area action plan’s development over the coming months. More information can be found on the council’s website at by searching for ‘area action plan’.
The final version of the plan is expected to be published by the end of the year.
Tuesday, 14 May 2019
St Peter’s Church in Crewe to host special animal blessing service
If you want to take your pet to church, you'll soon be able to in Crewe at an animal blessing service later this month.
The inaugural ‘Pet Blessing Service’ takes place on Sunday 19th May 2019 (3pm) at St Peter’s Church, Earle Street, Crewe CW1 2AG.
The service will celebrate the place that pets have in our lives and in God’s Kingdom. All pets are welcome for a blessing. Please bring dogs on leads and other animals in suitable cages. You are also welcome to come dressed as an animal or bring a photo of your animal if you cannot bring them to church.
Event organiser Revd Catherine Cleghorn said, “Pets are really important to many of us. They're great companions and they teach us to love and to care better. We're really looking forward to welcoming pets and their owners into St Peter's.”
Weekly services at St Peter's are: Sunday (9am) Holy Communion, Wednesday (9am) Morning Prayer and Wednesday (11am) Holy Communion.
For further information please contact Revd Catherine Cleghorn on 01270 560310 , visit or search St Peter’s Church Crewe on Facebook.
I would like to thank all those who voted for me
I would like to thank all those who voted for me and helped with my campaign in Crewe North.
To get 31% of the vote and come second, to beat the Tories into third place,representing a party that has never stood in Crewe before, is a major achievement.The turnout was the highest in Crewe, showing that my energetic campaign, over several months, had an impact.
I would like to congratulate the Labour Candidates who won and commiserate with the Conservative Candidates who lost. The campaign was fought in a fair and good natured way.
I now look forward to serving on the Minshull Vernon and District Parish Council following my election unopposed to the Woolstanwood Parish.
Best wishes,
Cllr. Brian Silvester
For Britain Party
Cheshire East Council calls for more foster carers through a national campaign
Cheshire East Council is looking for people to take on a highly-rewarding career and register their interest in becoming a foster carer.
The appeal for more carers comes during ‘Foster Care Fortnight’ – a national campaign that the local authority is fully supporting.
Fostering is a deeply fulfilling way of life, which anyone who has a passion for giving children the best possible start should consider.
While the council is very fortunate that it can call upon many foster carers, who have already made this fantastically rewarding life choice, there is the need to recruit more.
Foster Care Fortnight takes place from 13- 27 May and is the UK’s biggest foster carer recruitment drive, led by the charity The Fostering Network. This year’s campaign theme is #changeafuture, which aims to highlight the positive differences foster carers can make to the futures of young people in care.
Foster4, the new shared foster carer recruitment service for Cheshire East Council, Cheshire West and Chester Council, Halton Borough Council and Warrington Borough Council, asked two young people, who were in foster care to tell their stories.
Sajana, from Nantwich, who is 19, said: “I lived with my foster carers, Sandra and Ian, from being 16. They welcomed me into their home and really got to know me and my needs, we always watched I’m a Celebrity together – just really typical stuff.
“They encouraged me to resit my GCSEs and spurred me on to do an apprenticeship in childcare, driving me to my placement in a nursery every day.
“They really did make sure I had the best possible chance of a happy and successful future.”
Naomi, from Sandbach, is 19. She said: “I was 17 when I spent six months in foster care. As soon as I met my foster carer Laura, I felt we got on really well – we have similar interests so I felt we were a good match. My first impressions were really positive; Laura was approachable, kind and caring.
“Laura was a single carer, so it was just us two and her cat. I enjoyed spending time with her –she brought me out of myself and made me feel more confident. I was given the freedom to spend time with my family if I wished.
“Laura was very supportive and helped me to find a job by helping with my CV and encouraging me to apply for roles. She also helped with practical things such as cooking and learning how to budget and pay bills, something which I’m grateful for now I’m living independently.
“More importantly, Laura helped me to be a better person. I still see her now and she remains a real source of support in my life.”
Mark Palethorpe, acting executive director of people at Cheshire East Council, said: “Choosing to become a foster carer is a fantastic, rewarding life choice and Cheshire East Council will continue to prioritise our search to recruit more local carers from all backgrounds and experiences across the borough.
“It’s heart-warming to hear such positive experiences from young care leavers like Sajana and Naomi, knowing that we have a team of brilliant foster carers and that through their compassion and commitment, they are changing the future of children and young people.
“I urge anyone who is considering becoming a foster carer to make that call to Foster4 and start making a difference to children and young people in Cheshire East.”
As part of the Foster Care Fortnight campaign, Foster4 is looking for people have a spare bedroom and can welcome a local young person to be part of their family on either a short or long term basis.
You could foster around your existing job, if you have one, as long as you can be flexible or you can make fostering your primary role.
You can read more stories from care leavers and request an information pack at: or call 01925 444100 to find out more. Find Foster4 on Facebook: @foster4cheshire. Follow #changeafuture on social media.
Make sure you’re registered to vote in the European elections
Don’t miss the deadline to register to vote and ‘have your say’ in the European Parliament elections on Thursday 23 May.
People will not be able to vote unless they have ensured they are on the Electoral Register. If you are not registered already, visit and register by the Tuesday 7 May deadline.
More than five million people across North West England will have the opportunity to vote in these elections to select the region’s eight Members of the European Parliament (MEPs).
The North West European Elections will take place across the region on Thursday 23 May 2019, with 300 polling stations across Cheshire East. The count of those ballot papers will take place on Sunday 26 May in Macclesfield, with the declaration taking place in Manchester on Sunday 26 May, after polls close across Europe.
European Union citizens living in the North West, who are registered to vote, can vote in either the UK or in their country of origin – but not both. To vote in the UK, they must be registered to vote and have completed an additional form available at:
The deadline for the return of this form is also Tuesday 7 May.
Anyone who is on the electoral register can choose to register to vote by post. Applications for a postal vote in this election must be received by 5pm on Wednesday 8 May. The deadline for proxy votes is 5pm on Wednesday 15 May. To find out more, visit:
A full list of candidates for the European Parliament Elections is available online via the Cheshire East Council website:
Joanne Roney OBE, Regional Returning Officer for the European Parliament Elections in the North West, said: “While the circumstances around these elections are somewhat unexpected, this election gives people the opportunity to elect the politicians who will represent them in Europe until such point as the UK leaves the European Union.
“Election teams across the North West are focused on the effective organisation of these elections and we don’t want anyone to miss out on their right to vote because they are not registered.”
Kath O'Dwyer, Cheshire East Council’s Local Returning Officer for the European elections in the borough, said: “I would urge everyone to check that they are registered to vote and to register now if they have not already done so.
“It is important for the health and vitality of our local democracy that people, who are eligible, register to vote and then go out and vote on polling day and have their say.
“If you don’t vote, you don’t have a voice. So I would urge everyone, who is eligible, to take the time to register to vote and be heard.”
The European Parliament Elections are run using a form of proportional representation. Voters have one vote only and this can be cast for either a political party or an individual candidate. Each political party puts forward a list of candidates for the North West and the number of MEPs that are elected will depend on the overall share of the vote that a party or individual candidate receives in the region.
MEPs represent the whole of the North West region – so everybody who is eligible to vote in the region will be voting for the same list of parties and candidates.
Sunday, 5 May 2019
The Shires Symphonic Wind Orchestra recently held their first two concerts which raised over £1,000 for Mid Cheshire Hospitals Charity ‘Everybody Knows Somebody’ dementia appeal. The first concert took place on Saturday 2nd March in the Leighton Hospital Treatment Centre followed by Saturday 9th March at St Andrew’s Church in Crewe.
They began meeting to rehearse at Leighton Hospital in November 2018 and have already put together a stunning programme consisting of music from the stage, film, classics and modern symphonic repertoire.
For both concerts the orchestra was joined by ex BBC Philharmonic orchestra violinist, Shirley Richards, who played beautifully in John Williams’ moving Spielberg movie classic, Schindler’s List.
Manoj Kulshrestha, Shires management committee member said, ‘The Orchestra is delighted to be able to support the dementia appeal with our concerts. We are now busy rehearsing for the next performance on Saturday 6th July at Richmond Village in Nantwich.’
Carole Salmon, MCH Community Fundraiser said, ‘We’re so pleased that the Symphonic Orchestra has chosen to support our dementia appeal with their performances. I was lucky enough to be at their inaugural concert held at Leighton Hospital and was very impressed with their performance. The music was beautiful and everyone there really enjoyed it.’
The Orchestra is open to all wind, brass and percussion players, adults and children, the current youngest being only 10 years old. For more information about the Shires Symphonic Wind Orchestra and eligibility to join, please visit the website
The charity offers lots of opportunities for the community to get involved with supporting any area of the Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. For more details contact Carole Salmon, Community Fundraiser on 01270 273248.
The Flying Scotsman
A MEMORABLE day out aboard Britain’s most luxurious train being hauled from Crewe this summer by the world’s most famous steam locomotive has almost sold out – despite places costing £300 each.
Only 20 tickets are left for the “Spirit of Travel” lunch when the Flying Scotsman pulls Northern Belle’s seven 1930s-style Pullman carriages on a four-hour round trip to Carnforth on Saturday July 20.
Jeanette Snape, managing director of Nantwich-based Northern Belle, said: “We knew this would be popular but were amazed at how quickly tickets sold.
“All 300 places on a trip that same evening from Manchester have already sold out and we only have a handful left from Crewe. Anybody wanting to go needs to contact us immediately.”
The Flying Scotsman was the first steam locomotive to reach 100mph and the first to run non-stop from London to Edinburgh before being withdrawn from service by British Rail in 1963.
The Northern Belle train is Britain’s equivalent of the iconic Orient Express and harks back to the golden days of 1930s rail travel when nothing was too good for passengers.
Diners settle into plush armchairs, surrounded by exquisite marquetry and tapestries, while eating meals prepared by the on-board chef off the finest china and sipping wine from cut-glass goblets.
Both the special trains will be steam-hauled along one leg of the return journey to Carnforth, station, which has now been carefully restored to the state when 1940s classic weepie Brief Encounter was filmed there.
Passengers will have the chance to dance on the platform to the train’s resident band before puckering up under the iconic station clock where Trevor Howard and Celia Johnson stole an illicit kiss in the movie.
Jeanette said: “These should both be wonderful trips. What could be better than travelling on one of the world’s most luxurious trains while being hauled by the world’s most famous locomotives?
“Throw in a delicious meal followed by a snog under the Brief Encounter clock at Carnforth and it all adds up to a never-to-be-forgotten day!”
The Northern Belle will also operate from Crewe this month to Bristol on Friday May 17, to the Chelsea Flower Show the following week on May 24, and to the Western Lakes on May 31. Then on June 20 there is a top hat and tails trip to Ladies’ Day at Royal Ascot.
For more details, see or phone 01270 899681.
Staff at Marks and Spencer’s Simply Food, Nantwich chose to support the Mid Cheshire Hospitals Charity ‘Everybody Knows Somebody’ dementia appeal as their ‘charity of the year’ for 2018/2019.
As well as collection boxes on their till points, which raised over £1,300 they provided staff members to help with various fundraising projects. They hosted an awareness stand in their coffee shop and provided a range of delicious food items for the charity’s hugely successful Fashion and Fizz event held in March 2019.
Ed Fletcher, Store Manager said, “We were delighted to be able to support the ‘Everybody
Knows Somebody’ dementia appeal as our Charity of the Year for 2018/2019. Our staff and customers really got behind the cause knowing that all the elements of our support would help local people.”
Carole Salmon, MCH Charity Community Fundraiser said: “I’d like to thank Ed and the team for all their support which they enthusiastically embraced in a multitude of ways. The money raised will support multiple projects across our hospitals that will improve the care and experience of people living with dementia.“
Mid Cheshire Hospitals charity are keen to support more local groups and businesses with their fundraising. Whatever you choose to do, they can support you through your fundraising journey and can offer lots of resources and support to help make whatever you do a huge success. For more information contact Carole Salmon, Community Fundraiser on 01270 273248 or