St Luke’s (Cheshire) Hospice is searching for Cheshire’s budding ballroom and Latin stars to shimmy into the spotlight for the ‘Strictly Learn to Dance 2013’ fundraising event.
If you’ve always dreamed of being a dance diva or you’re keen to lead your partner round the dance floor with grace, now is your chance to get involved as the hugely-popular St Luke’s (Cheshire) Hospice’s ‘Strictly Learn to Dance’ extravaganza returns!
Whether you’re a couple who would love to learn to dance or an individual, who would be happy to be paired up with a partner who is learning to dance too, the event will see up to 20 dance couples transformed into confident dancers.
It doesn’t matter if you have two left feet, as from 8 January 2013, regular Salsa and Tango tuition, of 45 minutes per week, will be given all the participants in Tarporley every Tuesday evening. The event will culminate in a fun Grand Finale Show at Nantwich Civic Hall on Sunday, April 28, in which a panel of judges will watch the couples dance and pick an overall winner!
Participants will be asked to register and commit to raise sponsorship donations of at least £300. Tickets for the Grand Finale will be on sale from March to raise money for the St Luke’s Hospice, which cares for sufferers of cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.
Liz Wells, Fundraising Events Co-Ordinator, said: “The first Strictly Learn to Dance event was a huge success and I think we can do even better in 2013.”
If you’re keen to get involved in ‘Strictly Learn to Dance’ contact Liz Wells at St Luke’s Hospice on 01606 555816 or email:
Posted by Jan Wright at 12:42 AM No comments:
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Spread the warmth – be a good winter neighbour
Cheshire East Council and its partners are urging residents to ‘be a good winter neighbour’ this season.
As part of the Spread the Warmth campaign, the Council would like people to check in on their friends and neighbours, especially if they are older or if they have heart or breathing problems, as they may need your help and our support.
The winter cold can be distressing to some and a phone call or a knock at the door can make all the difference and can brighten their day.
And with temperatures ready to drop, it is worth considering if someone’s home is warm enough. Living rooms should be heated to 21C and bedrooms to 18C. Information about heating repairs can be found at or by ringing 0300 123 5017.
Also, note if your neighbour has enough food and medicines to prevent them having to go out in very cold or icy weather.
The Council has listed some winter warning signs for residents to be on the lookout for that could indicate something might be wrong:
· Milk still out on the doorstep late in the day
· Newspapers and post stuck in the letterbox
· Curtains drawn during the day
· Lights on during the day
· A home in darkness when there should be someone at home
· A dog barking all day or the cat scratching to be let in
· Bins not put out on collection days
Councillor Janet Clowes, Cabinet member in charge of health and adult social care services, said: “As temperatures fall, there will be many who are worried either about their own ability to cope, or about another adult, and maybe looking for social care support. Or there will be those who are looking for services to support families or children.
“Cheshire East Council and its partners are always here to help. The winter page on our website provides a wealth of advice and we urge residents to contact us either by email or phone if they have concerns.”
Sean Reynolds, chair of the Local Adult Safeguarding Board, said: “It is ordinary people with a strong sense of personal responsibility, whose vigilance and action will make it possible for their family members, friends and neighbours to feel well supported and safe this winter. And it is they who can make a difference to these people’s lives.”
For concerns about the welfare or safety of an adult, call 0300 123 5010 (8.30am-5pm) or 0300 123 5022 outside these hours.
The Family Information Service is available on 0300 123 5033.
For concerns about the welfare or safety of a child, call 0300 123 5012 (8.30am-5pm) or 0300 123 5022 outside these hours.
For domestic abuse assistance, call the Cheshire East Domestic Abuse Family Safety Unit on 01606 363532 or the national 24-hour helpline on 0808 2000 247.
For further winter-related advice, please visit
Residents can help friends and neighbours who do not have internet access by downloading and printing off information from the website and giving it to them.
Posted by Jan Wright at 12:40 AM No comments:
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Shoppers to get their money back in Nantwich car parks this Christmas
Shoppers in Nantwich will be able to redeem the cost of their car parking tickets this Christmas.
Cheshire East Council’s Nantwich Local Area Partnership (LAP), in association with traders’ forum Nantwich Flourish, is piloting a Two Part Ticketing pilot from December 1, for around three months.
It is hoped the idea will attract more shoppers into Nantwich and give traders a boost this Christmas. The scheme will support Nantwich Town Council, retailers and market traders with planned activities throughout the festive period.
Shoppers will be able to redeem the cost of their parking ticket at participating shops and businesses. Any traders who would like to get involved with the scheme are being urged to get in touch to discuss how the scheme can work for them.
Traders will have the freedom to opt in and out of scheme as they wish and can set their own conditions to redeem ticket cost.
Councillor Les Gilbert, Cabinet member in charge of communities and regulatory services, said: “The idea was warmly received by traders when it was suggested during the summer.
“All 175 independent traders in the town have received letters inviting them to join the scheme, and the Nantwich LAP has had a number of responses from key outlets in support of it.
“Nantwich is a very attractive place for shoppers as it has an abundance of unique, smaller, independent shops and boutiques. We want to celebrate this and to promote the town’s beauty and originality.”
A total of 270,000 two-part tickets will be installed into the following car parks:
· Bowers Row
· Bowling Green
· Church Lane
· Civic Hall
· Dysart Buildings
· Love Lane
· Market Area
· Snow Hill
Advertising space on the ticket stub has been reserved, and will read: ‘You can redeem the value of this ticket at participating traders in Nantwich. Conditions apply.’
Participating shops and traders will be supplied with a poster or window sticker to display. There will not be any increases to the existing car park charges as a result of implementing this pilot scheme.
Posted by Jan Wright at 12:39 AM No comments:
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