A Cheshire East Council fostering campaign has been hailed a success - but more carers are needed to help the authority look after an increasing number of looked-after children.
The Fostering and Adoption Team received triple the number of enquiries it would expect in an average month following the high-profile campaign, which coincided with Foster Care Fortnight.
A series of roadshows was backed by advertising on buses and in the local media to tie in with the campaign theme: A Child Without a Home is Like a Duck Out of Water.
The Council is now renewing its appeal to ensure it meets its target of recruiting 40 new foster carer households.
Councillor Hilda Gaddum,
“It clearly had the desired impact of inviting people to consider whether they could offer a secure, safe and caring home for a child who cannot live with their own family.
“But recruiting an additional 40 foster carer households is a big challenge and we need as many people as possible to come forward to help us meet this target.
“There is no such thing as the perfect foster carer - we need a diverse range of people with different skills and qualities so more children can be placed in the right home.”
The roadshow visited Macclesfield, Congleton,
Crewe and Nantwich MP Edward Timpson lent his support to the campaign by dropping in when the roadshow visited Nantwich.
Mr Timpson said: "I am delighted to have been here in Nantwich to support the Council's push to recruit new foster carers.
"My family has fostered around 80 children and young people over the years, so from the age of five I have seen first hand the real positive impact that fostering can have on the child and family alike."
Currently there are 180 foster carer households looking after more than 300 children in Cheshire East.
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