Prickly Planting
1 - Climbing Rose: Bramble like stems are covered in sharp, hooked thorns which make it difficult for would-be burglars to reach the window or door it surrounds.
2 - Juniperus chinensis Evergreen conifer. Planted in appropriate places it's density and needle sharp leaves can deter people from getting close to the 'Obelisk' property. The needles grow to 15mm in length.
3 - Berberis temolaica Pale yellow flowers and red berries. Grows to 3 metres. The plant is covered in prickly thorns
4 - Multi-frond palm Long razor sharp edges to fronds provide an ideal barrier between borders and windows
5 - Holly Evergreen shrub or tree with prickly leaves. Providing round the year cover.
6 - Phormium tenax Evergreen sword shaped, spiky leaves that grow up to 3 metres long. It's height and spikes make it difficult to push through or climb over. Flowers purple and brown in the summer
7 - Gravel/Slate path Noisy when walked on. Sound alerts you to someone approaching the house, acting as a deterrent to potential criminals
8 - Bamboo Attractive feature. When planted against walls or fences it will prevent burglars climbing into upstairs windows alerting you to their presence. If the canes are forcibly broken they will make a loud snapping sound.
Security Locks and Lights
9 - Window/Door locks Ensure all windows are fitted with security locks. Front and rear doors should be fitted with mortice locks (BS3621), hinge bolts and no weak panels. Door frames should have secure frames. Add motion sensor lights around the exterior of the house and garden.
Perimeter Security
10 - Walls, fences Supplement walls, fences and railings with thorny shrubs. Higher fences - existing fences made higher with trellis (minimum of 1800mm railings and gates high). Fit gates to all access points with locks and ensure you lock them.
Safer Homes
11 - Home Watch Congratulations you have already covered this element of suggested crime prevention by running/participating in your local Home Watch scheme. This provides natural surveillance allowing people to report suspicious behaviour and to look out for each other.
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