Saturday 11October and gunfight on the square (well sort of)
I was sitting on the square and watched as the man from the bouncy castle unlocked the council mains supply and gave an extension to the Sky TV man demonstrating Sky in the back of his van. He had been using a generator up until this point. The man ran the cable 30 ft or so to his van across the square were people walk. We have had trouble with this before.
I went to speak to the man and as I did an old lady tripped over the cable. I explained to the man that you cant use Council electric unless its wired by a Council electrician, you cant run live cables across were people walk it must be armoured cable to do that and thirdly someone is going to break there neck on it. His comment amounted to go away in short sharp jerky movements. I explained I would report this to the Town Centre manager before someone was hurt to which he repeated his previous statement.
I hot footed it around to the market and saw the Market Manger who said the Town centre Manger was off and he would deal with it an ensure it didn’t happen again. He strapped on his guns (well got his camera anyway) and stormed of immediately to the square. He of coarse found the cable plugged in and took pictures of the offending cable and immediately unplugged the cable from the van so the mans TV and DVD died, he then removed it from the mains and locked the cabinet.
The Sky man went mad and started shouting but is was all to no avail he was told off good and proper. Its good to see that some members of the council can act quickly and decisively when the occasion warrants it.
The final score was Market manager 1 Sky Tv 0
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